Arts Advocacy
Data art for art's sake
Mapping Arts Education Policy
In 2014, the National Coalition for Core Arts Standards published the first revision to the national arts standards in twenty years. Since then, 27 states and the Department of Defense have adopted these voluntary arts standards in one or more arts disciplines. This highly-visual report shows the revised arts standards adoption status by state and provides ways for stakeholders to advocate for the full adoption of the arts standards in their state.
Compelling one-pagers
Throughout the U.S. thousands of Local Arts Agencies (LAAs) promote, support, and develop the arts at a local level. Americans for the Arts partnered with the National Endowment for the Arts to publish the most comprehensive survey of LAAs ever conducted. From 2015-2016, I created more than a dozen "one-pagers" that share high-level census findings, as well as a template for the full report.
Beyond a bubble diagram
The central question to the Wyncote Foundation's Like, Link, Share report is, "How are cultural institutions using digital technology to reach wider audiences, create new programs, and strengthen their operations?" This spread—part of a report and website I designed—examines the reach of digital technology between the organization and its audience. Written by Lutman & Associates.